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Unlike other wind vanes, Windbird does not need to be oriented with respect to north. It includes an electronic compass. However, '''it is absolutely necessary to calibrate Windbird's compass.''' The earth's magnetic field varies at each location. This is why '''calibration must be carried out at each installation site, just before mounting Windbird on its mast.''' '''If you were familiar with the Pioupiou device, forget all about it.''' The Windbird calibration procedure is different. <big>'''How to calibrate?'''</big> * Make sure the Windbird is already switched on. * Keep pressing the button for ~10 seconds, until the led blinks. First, we will calibrate the 2 vertical positions : * Hold the Windbird upright. Rotate the Windbird around its axis, for about one revolution. * Hold it upside down. Rotate the Windbird (always one revolution). Then, we will calibrate the 4 horizontal positions : * Hold it horizontal in front of you. Rotate the Windbird. * Turn your body 90° on your right. Rotate the Windbird. * Turn your body 90° on your right. Rotate the Windbird. * Turn your body 90° on your right. Rotate the Windbird. You've come full circle. Now check the LED. If it is still lit, you need more samples. Repeat the moves until the LED clears itself. Once the calibration is complete, the LED will turn off for 3 seconds then the Windbird will reboot. '''Better than a long text, watch the video demonstration:''' [[File:Scrrenshot video.png|link=https://windbird.com/calibration-video]] <span class="wb_btn">[[Windbird_Fox/Turn_it_on_and_off|⬅️ Previous]]</span> <span class="wb_btn">[[Windbird_Fox/Check the reports|Next ➡️]]</span>
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